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Apprendre à étudier

Ce cours est basé sur le livre « Apprendre à étudier, guide à l'usage des étudiants en sciences et en ingénierie », disponible en librairie.
Vous y trouverez la liste complète des travaux de recherche cités dans ce MOOC.

Autres ouvrages (en anglais)

Ambrose, Susan A. et al. (2010) How learning works, 7 research-based principles for smart teaching
A very readable account of the research evidence on how people learn, organized in a way to make it accessible to those who are not psychologically trained.  This book is full of practical insights about what educational research means for higher education teaching.

Bransford, John et al. (2000) How people learn; brain, mind, experience and school
The result of a review of learning sciences literature undertaken on behalf of the US National Research Council, the focus of this text is on pre-university students. Nonetheless the chapters on how expert knowledge is organized and on effective teaching in mathematics and science are very useful for university educators.

Hattie, John (2009) Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement
This book is a landmark in the movement towards evidence-informed teaching. It reviews the quantitative research evidence on student learning in a way that allows different teaching approaches to be compared. In doing so it teases out some key principles that seem to underlie different effective teaching methods. Although quite dry and somewhat repetitive, it is an incredibly powerful resource for thinking about teaching.

Bain, Ken (2012) What the best college students do
A very readable account of effective student learning in higher education and how teachers can facilitate such effective learning.